On hiatus..
Also, I've been in more of a twitter mood, though only slightly so. You are more than welcome to visit me @ twitter.com/zellzynt, it's usually updated more frequently than this blog. However, I rarely write anything profound. :P Just so you know.. Which probably means it doesn't, in that sense, differ much from my blogging.
I only have one day left of my vacation, tomorrow, and these past two weeks have flied by. I've mostly been reading, hence the "lost in a different world", and.. Hmm, that's pretty much it I guess. Got some studying done this week, but not nearly as much as I should've, and I also went to the mall to, for the first time in a long time, shop for something other than groceries. My brother and his wife are expecting their second child and she is due any day now, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to meet the baby until sometime in September, so I decided I wanted to give them some baby gifts now, since we were all going to be visiting my parents. I bought some baby clothes, found the cutest little tiny [<-- pleonasm!] knitted cardigan with pockets, and a pyjamas for the big-sister-to-be.
pyjamas from Polarn o. Pyret
[link to global online shop]
Friday was Midsummer's Eve here in Sweden, one of our most celebrated holidays. I met up with my brother's family at my parent's house in my old home town. We had some traditional Swedish food [matie, sour cream, chives, early potatoes, meatballs etc], went to a traditional day-time celebration [with folk dancing and a maypole] and then went back home for a relaxed evening with more food [barbaque this time - and strawberry cake] and crappy TV programs.
My brother tried to explain the difference between binary, decimal and hexidecimal - or more precisly, how come the hexidecimal A equals a decimal ten.. Once we'd gotten through all the "base 2", "base 10" and "base 16" crap [I shouldn't be calling it crap, I find it really interesting - it's just that it's so logical, it becomes illogical, and things like that always have me confused], I think I finally got it.. I'm telling you, my brother is crazy smart when it comes to computer science. Thankfully for me, he's like a walking encyclopedia. :)
I left my parent's house after lunch yesterday, the drive home being a story quite of its own, and was back in the comfort of my livingroom in no time. I watched some TV and had some food, but then I was right back to where I've been spending most of my time lately
- inside other people's imagination.
Yes, I might as well admit to it - I'm somewhat of a
"Fans of the series who are
up for debate,
free thought,
and intelligent discussion
rather than mindless praise
of who’s the hottest character."
It's all about the books, not so much about the movies..
If you haven't read the books, the outtakes, extras and the Midnight Sun draft etc,
you're in no position to pass judgement on me or question my sanity.
You are, however, more than welcome to question
other things, trust me when I say I do.
Or, perhaps I should say,
I dare you to.
And, enough with the sparkle/glitter/whatever already!
Find something else to whine about..
And, of course, that being said - one of the guys working the night shift just called me, asking how to change something..
Anyhoo, this became a rather long post, it being a "hiatus" one. I think it's time I get back to my main occupation - having new insight in the story, I have Dreamcatcher to partially re-read..
Words of wisdom - and a LoL..
Tonight's plans..
2. Get properly beered up
Disturbed - Stricken [Ten Thousand Fists (2005)]
Bugger off..
..is not something I wish for you to do, dear reader, but it is my Phrase of the Day.
Just 'cause it's such a great one - and useful.
Now I'm going to bugger off to sleep, or try at least.
Sunday last..
Been saying more than once this week that I'd write about Sunday, but I still haven't.. And now it doesn't feel very current anymore, can't really remember what I wanted to tell you about anyway. Except I washed, cleaned and emptied my car [time for some vehicle service], almost got in an auto accident [not my fault, some tosser had forgotten to turn off the indicator and did not turn when I thought he would..] and finally bought flowers for my balcony!
[you can't really see all the squashed bugs]
and After
This is the miserable state
my balcony
is currently in.
The brand new flowers
that will bring some colour to my
kitchen window view.
Smells delicious..
Wish I could convey the wonderful scent in my kitchen right now.
I've baked[!] cupcakes.
[selbstverständlich free from gluten and lactose]
Not as gigantic as the ones you can buy
at a bakery,
but they smell just as good.
Getting things done..
Anyhow, now I'm finally up and running and today things are getting done! Wether I want them to or not.. Which sounds stupid, of course I want them done. Wether I feel like it or not is probably more correct.
So, now I'm loading the dishwasher, then it's off to the supermarket - finally going to recycle the [what seems like millions of] soda cans and mineral water/soda bottles occupying my hall, and then I have to cram for my tests on Sunday.
Don't really now what kind of music will be accompanying me today, but thus far, I'm in a 70's kind of mood.
The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop [Ramones (1976)]
Bad mood..
Welcome to the Bitch-n-Moan Zone
Ugh! I'm so not feeling things today..
1. Didn't/Couldn't sleep last night.. Which also means I
2. Didn't/Couldn't wake up this morning.. Which means I've wasted most of my day, asleep in the bed.
3. Almost killed off the flowers that I bought Sunday for my balcony.. Yes, already.
4. My flat looks like a blitzkrieg happened.. My fault entirely of course, making it even more annoying.
5. No caffeine for two days now.. Argh!
6. Why can't I just fucking start reading my course literature already?! (pardon my French)
In the words of my dear friend AK
(yes, he's a Borat fan)
Happy Time!
It only annoys me even more that there's nothing really to whine about. It's all just trivial, unimportant, easy-to-fix-grow-up-get-your-head-out-of-your-arse crap.
..think I'll just crawl back under the rock from whence I came and read some more lame ass fan fiction..
Too tired..
..and that's pretty much all I can think of to say right now..
Hope you're having a great day!
Giving thanks..
..where it is due:
JJ, you've given me a new favourite band! :)
Frightened Rabbits - Keep Yourself Warm [The Midnight Organ Fight (2008)]
..not at all making me long for Scotland even more..
[Edinburgh & North Berwick, Aug/Sep 2008]
They're everywhere, we all have our tussles with them from time to time (some of us too frequently)..
Hence, Pleonasm is my word of the day. (an explanation in Swedish can be found here)
What had me think of it?
@stephenfry Pleonasms have taken over Planet Twitter. They arrived in redundantly repetitive tautology craft.
about 9 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
The lovely Mr Stephen Fry of course.
I love them - small words, big words, short ones, long ones, complicated, simple, good, bad, rare, common..
However, my life took quite a different course than I'd thought when I was younger and I no longer have much use for extravagant language, rendering me less expressive than in my adolescence. With the lack of need, I've forgotten a lot of great words and phrases and seldom absorb the ones I encounter and may want to remember. Other than my interest, I'll therefore be posting little words I come across, and that are to my fancy, here on the blog.
The above written goes for both English, which is neither my mouther tongue nor my everyday language, and Swedish.
A word is the smallest free form (an item that may be uttered in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content) in a language, in contrast to a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of meaning. A word may consist of only one morpheme (e.g. wolf), but a single morpheme may not be able to exist as a free form (e.g. the English plural morpheme -s).
Typically, a word will consist of a root or stem, and zero or more affixes. Words can be combined to create other units of language, such as phrases, clauses, and/or sentences. A word consisting of two or more stems joined together form a compound. A word combined with an already existing word or part of a word form a portmanteau.
Word may refer to a spoken word or a written word, or sometimes, the abstract concept behind either. Spoken words are made up of phonemes, and written words of graphemes.
~ Wikipedia/Word
Words That End In GRY xkcd.com/169
Hmm.. I think I might know why though..
What the..?!
Other than that, nothing much is happening today. Still haven't posted anything about Sunday, which I said early yesterday morning that I'd do later in the day, so I'll try to get around to that. Not that anything exceptional happened, but I do have some pictures to share.
Just got off the phone with a co-worker. I already miss my workmates a bit, after only two days of vacation, so I think I'll have to pay them a visit. Maybe I'll even bake them something..
I don't get it..?
I know..
I'm multitasking this with an online chat Q&A (Lit class) and I'm laughing so hard right now.. The sad thing is, I can't even begin to explain why..
Our poor professor must be utterly bored by now - I know I am.. Question I'd like to ask: If you can't read, then why the hell are you taking a literature class..?!
DM:at av världens bästa Anon till mig @ twitter, avd: Vad är det för folk i forumet på din datakurs egentligen?
"Eh? Är det små 1337-tomtar som ugglar runt där eller?"
Hahahahahahahaha..! Hi 5
Right now..
In a couple of hours, I think I'll be more like
George Harrison - Got My Mind Set on You [Cloud Nine (1987)]
Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al [Graceland (1986)]
Korn - It's On! [Follow the Leader (1998)]
Scars on Broadway - Exploding/Reloading [Scars on Broadway (2008)]
Korn - Bottled Up Inside [Untouchables (2002)]
Scars on Broadway - They Say [Scars on Broadway (2008)]
Korn - Right Now [Take a Look in the Mirror (2003)]
Tenacious D-sturbed..
Makes me LoL a little..
Tenacious D - Classico [The Pick of Destiny (2006)]
Makes me LoL even more..
If you think it's time to fucking rock and fucking roll \,,/
Driving around..
The Fray - You Found Me [The Fray (2009)]
Glasvegas - Daddy's Gone [Glasvegas (2008)]
Johnossi - Bobby [All They Ever Wanted (2008)]
Staind - All I Want [The Illusion of Progress (2008)]
..and more..
I'll be writing more about yesterdays events later today..
Recent tweets @zellzynt:
RT @HippoArmy The cool thing about World Cup Soccer is there's no commercials. The bad thing is that it's more boring than commercials. Retweeted by you Jun 13th
RT @cuffarophoto: i need a mojito! 2:56 AM May 31st Retweeted by you 1:45 PM Jun 12th
Seriously hope the weather improves before I wake up.. To find out, I suppose I have to go to sleep.. (03:50 am) http://twitpic.com/1vzbi8 3:51 AM Jun 12th
RT @slashdot New York Times Bans Use Of Word "Tweet" http://bit.ly/b1KA0A Retweeted by you 3:40 AM Jun 12th
Me too.. LOL --> RT @zepadeedoodah I judge the success of my day on how well I fast forward through commercials on my DVR. 3:35 AM Jun 12th
RT @ianmckellen118 "Hobbit" sets are ready, script ready and movie is casting this month. Fans are not to worry. Retweeted by you 3:23 AM Jun 12th
Huh.. Vacation.. No #work for weeks.. That feels sort of.. #weird 3:10 AM Jun 12th
#failwhale 3:31 AM Jun 10th
The RTs are simply tweets by other people that you post again by ReTweeting them, and thus share them with your own twitter-followers. The # in front of a word, or a series of them e.g.#zombiechicken or #cravingcatfood, is a way for users to categorise their tweets and a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic.
Saturday night..
My mind keeps coming up with an array of little sentences to write, probably better suited for twitter, which is actually quite annoying since I'm supposed to be concentrating on other things. That being said, I've been writing/compiling a longer[ish] piece, that I'll be posting soon (almost finished). Be Warned: There will be a lot of YouTube videos..
..and it will kick you right back to the 90's, when MTV was still mainly MUSIC Television.
Ahh, and The Real World New York, LA, San Francisco and London.. [1992-1995] ..then that got out of hand too, in my opinion.
The first CD I ever bought, back in -93 if I remember correctly (wow, very nearly fell out of my bed, realising that's almost twenty years ago.. think I talked about this only yesterday, but I'd already suppressed it..), was the first Suede album. It was different, reinventing, British - and I loved it!
It was a love story that kept going, and, I've discovered, keeps on keeping on. Sure, there's the music and the lyrics, but more than anything, there's the sweet, British voice of Brett Anderson..
Suede - Saturday Night [Coming Up (1996)]
Thinking about something to write about [not that there is a lack of topics and little things].. Don't want this to become a "YouTube"-blog and/or an all too non-serious blog [saving that for my in-the-middle-of-the-night blogging] with no real substance, nor do I want it to become a place to "bitch-n-moan".. Not that I really have anything to complain about at the moment..
In the meantime, I'm going to make something to eat..
Disturbed - Inside The Fire [Indestructable (2008)]
Johnossi - 18 Karat Gold [All They Ever Wanted (2008)]
Five little monkeys..
Sorry, something went wrong.
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
gjY1rt3ChxjT4GKnWPjRyblxMP_myJEIfcYwELJ4gYNIzAKwg7Rl0tM72j6- sUtLWoPD2Tnar7Nu84ubdM3eL2BhlGhteFQ4ylo9qUlziKWdimvPtxEcDBxh i5LRD5qEEhZc-wKUIf5pvSy5jSvqN_kijElNvQIXyr2kIfqIbG7kd4oEe6Fy jbysjHXhDCBBO2J4jfuaTd3ER7VTrorF1mtiFJBg-g7FKzu40eiN0eqgBKbE pzoA6_LHXU30hZE7l7zIbDcAXoGDhyHEwwaSr0YNsY-t1kxtCe_AU5BO1Qm7 pMCF7DW-N9WCTf5EhVJNvy5iElgrEL_XodHI6Bvm95G5VAcoes5zxXGuINbL Bd2IuYClmWTukGvXx_y_ZvNIinA_LR0bGypbPYHLP1O3xHQMuCsCQzITcx_K 6YNEG37UYp_FWdpDeMM_e6TyhIZDnbEwpkx-n87yEtpOnYQoX4luAjtSWQq7 mgHcvDvFnKpLYqszQOHNFw80NdJ2vLDeitIf4zQw8SwTaenlNs9fAjn00xfc HSFBGyRabFpRE3ywU7RfUsOHNgfl4xoXL2SP_hgD9qrTXrAOaqpTxXAPVl3g 5ffCwSTFqxMQr3qcHk1tn2MhkmiR1iRTFhPZAKmh8ccphnav1_N3-QlfWGHP xwrZCID4Ii1DtHHuFz5VFwSVv7JS_L7BDx8nCs6Dieq6Oj1zRGx-GlIzwy1C i14UvRdhxkrQ0ldfAGdkX-z-9W3VuY3oNaZFeZxWXa13P06AMceeUUL4sYOu I6VEKL3Qylueg1SEuFwef1c90mZnFqCh2Rgei5CR7FGo011zdPzpLBKVUISt ROyTkM0p-cOJ0HdKKCw8sgok0E_8xboX_TM7AxM8IhniEwlO9VkzQVqngi59 lpz8aPjSdap5lMEvFyeQIhKPB8uWBWHjxnye07E_Ha_NWpUBN-6JX3Ujt6Zg VPb_DvomunN91gODN4441G0rE5REicjVRZ86GPk6uQvqz1sHDt9qUEHhrNg4 AF_H3t5YkW93xMRJXcNlGv9jK1KbU-ZukSr0-9spqPPcXfMIGkLcf5k9hk-K Iw7G3DSZDF_j36nodDuhYoonqFPG-UE1D8P-3GqpTQ1NeOzxePb8Iu4MiRa0 IcQjo8dO6RtlfujuCdpBiLLD-LrgmLgCAKdhcBRTzD_YfFFuw6NJqza5S3qr cjubweYMHh9S3CL3aM_X4paG0J80mBrLd6CA0n5Oen4TqBzyuqZbtrePW6CV Ai-_9Au853liniv6Jo9z5-vV26J-FwwRRry2MXkw4WFzZ7gbgFKyA1xWsAiQ DbS8F71ZxXEUQYMNdJ4ngiDbydGjaricRJ371coDPaTRq2_9IS5m8dqVgAA_ aHIgOf-rkqRwqYczlX0_OWf-F9LKw5WvbiJCJeiN95QxSr7HQG5H-bZGzC7O ioULuXSJo4OW_XhFxUtqsqWTynXH6aqCCS_CuaKxbL1Q1XoyM7ON12gfiZlA tuix_YpZcuoSBenBlPzUkyMNHwePkzQEPkKvUNeizGwg6LTqNpyjV7zEObRc pE7DZ5r4rEWOqO7CK5_jOoi-Q_KkFQPI3XgmkPOkdU5mcTbly57wC-0z0D82 zZmuEIc7vBJ-7EFEHX1XXOOiopVbJWVO8jBkSs6bcRgx1976Ck35cj8HuwO5 Mvz40piRhunemAIlM7n4jMtCmnuSq_z8oBi9VfB2_vGBqQGl5AGSq9Ri-kFu u_v8kr6PdDepCsPW2wxSUEqs-6PW16Aa_dyuXMN0iAG1pU6p8owySiCEMlj_ GMQWqr40CPOW4RAVgkK_8y9HE1jyWRbEtA9eGWdo5gZHLvXy1SkDnYRVBZlC HIKZrWd52asSYue31T24qCJExil1qWiDtZP3nCnq6tMhl_iYGxTtLImVZOgp
They have trained monkeys @ YouTube..?! Can I have one? ;)
What's the Point..
Over you..
Wish I could've embedded the official video, but alas, "Embedding disabled by request"..
On a similar note, another favourite..
zellzynt @twitter
Lost in translation..
..is how I felt when I tried to read this: Nokia N97 Internet Features ..
Right now I'm feeling more nauseous than lost, got a brutal reminder why I shouldn't eat dairy-based salad dressings - or order salads from a pizzeria for that matter [there was nothing wrong with the salad itself though - I think.. It does however feel a bit more like food poisoning than your avarage lactose intolerance symptoms, but bad eating and sleeping habits could account for that].
And tired. Promised myself I would go to bed asap when I got home from work, but feeling blech, sleep is one of the last things I want to do. Also, I wanted to post something here, write a tweet or two - and just as I'd started, the phone rang, which destroyed all chances of an "early" night. *bla bla*
Now I don't really know what to write, my head was full of things before but *pooof*
New name, new page, same style, different language..
Nej, det har kommer inte att ga - sitter vid en netbook med engelskt tangentbord = utan de ytterst viktiga svenska bokstaverna a, a och o :P
..so I'm just going to write this in English instead, to save myself the hassle of copying every å, ä and ö or some other tiresome process.. Might as well blog entirely in English, probably suits me better.
In my head I'm singing..
..whilst watching..
Anyhoo, where was I..? Right, I completely lost what little inspiration I had and that's why I haven't written in a while. Don't really know what to write now either, but at least I've gotten some inspiration back - in the form of a new co-worker. Who would've thought?! :) Love it when random (or maybe not) things like that happen, too bad he's just here for the summer.. But he'll probably get tired of my talking way before the end of July, so perhaps I should say Lucky him! *joking*
He's made me remember something I realised a long time ago, but for some reason keep forgetting - I'm hard to please when it comes to real company. I can consort with almost any type of person, and I like diversity in my acquaintances, but the reason I spend so much time on my own ~ ..I need to get out more.. ~ is not that I'm a boring person who doesn't have friends or people to hang out with. Mainly, it's that I rarely come across people I truly feel a connection with, be it on a deeper level or/and a more trivial, who share some of my thoughts (or think somewhat alike), views, moral standards and interests. People who make me use the brain I've actually been given and who make me see the world in different colours. Who broaden my mind, instead of narrowing it. Those are the kind of people I want to spend my time with. *late night waffle*
Then there is also the fact that I'm quite garrulous, which can be wearisome.. And that most of my peers, having spouses and children, something I have yet to acquire.. OT: I could definitely use a little love in my life.. BOT: ..are busy with their own lives in a whole other way than I am with mine.
Latest tweet:
I'm a pedant and a perfectionist. That's why I've given up on tidying - I can't live up to my own standards, so why bother? @zellzynt
Speaking of..
Ég Læt Mig Líða Áfram
Í Gegnum Hausinn
(Hugsa) Hálfa Leið
Sé Sjálfan Mig Syngja Sem
Fagnaðarerindið Við Sömdum Saman tyooo...
Við Áttum Okkur Draum
Áttum Allt
Við Riðum Heimsendi
Við Riðum Leitandi
Klifruðum Skýjakljúfa
Sem Síðar Sprungu Upp
Friðurinn Úti
Ég Lek Jafnvægi
Ég Dett Niður
Ég Læt Mig Líða Áfram
Í Gegnum Hausinn
Ég Kem Alltaf Niður Aftur Á Sama Stað
Alger Þögn
Ekkert Svar
(En) Það Besta Sem Guð Hefur Skapað
Er Nýr Dagur
Also worth a listen..
Oldie but goodie..
Should've been asleep hours ago..