Giving thanks..

..where it is due:
JJ, you've given me a new favourite band! :)

Frightened Rabbits - Keep Yourself Warm [The Midnight Organ Fight (2008)]

..not at all making me long for Scotland even more..

Edinburgh Airport, Aug 31 2008Edinburgh Fringe Finale, 2008Edinburgh Castle in the background,with the Mound on the left and National Gallery of Scotland belowLmAO
Abbey Church of Scotland, North BerwickNorth Berwick is situated on the south shore of the Firth of Forth. The small island on the left is the Bass Rock. It has had many a purpose, but today it mainly plays host to more than 150,000 Gannets and plenty of other wildlife.    Why can't all pharmacies look like this?  North BerwickI want to go back, I need to go back!
[Edinburgh & North Berwick, Aug/Sep 2008]

Posted by: Jonatan

Haha, åh vad glad jag blir! :D Två stycken väldigt bra låtar, helt klart. Fina bilder med!

2010-06-17 @ 16:35:43
Posted by: Christina

Underbart bra låtar! Tackar :) Har [tack och lov] bara två dagars fotografering sparade på den här datorn, annars hade det varit omöjligt att välja bilder.

2010-06-17 @ 21:57:35

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