Sunday last..

Been saying more than once this week that I'd write about Sunday, but I still haven't.. And now it doesn't feel very current anymore, can't really remember what I wanted to tell you about anyway. Except I washed, cleaned and emptied my car [time for some vehicle service], almost got in an auto accident [not my fault, some tosser had forgotten to turn off the indicator and did not turn when I thought he would..] and finally bought flowers for my balcony!

Before I loves my wellies After
[you can't really see all the squashed bugs]
and After

Miserable balcony situation, part II Miserable balcony situation (..I'm not responsible for the cigarette butts..)
This is the miserable state
my balcony
is currently in.

Tagetes patula, Lobelia erinus and two red Dahlias
 Lavandula stoechas and Heliotropium peruvianum What's a summer without sunflowers?
The brand new flowers
that will bring some colour to my
kitchen window view.

Posted by: Mamma

Fina blommor, har de kommit på plats ännu?

2010-06-26 @ 18:26:21

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