Saturday night..
My mind keeps coming up with an array of little sentences to write, probably better suited for twitter, which is actually quite annoying since I'm supposed to be concentrating on other things. That being said, I've been writing/compiling a longer[ish] piece, that I'll be posting soon (almost finished). Be Warned: There will be a lot of YouTube videos..
..and it will kick you right back to the 90's, when MTV was still mainly MUSIC Television.
Ahh, and The Real World New York, LA, San Francisco and London.. [1992-1995] ..then that got out of hand too, in my opinion.
The first CD I ever bought, back in -93 if I remember correctly (wow, very nearly fell out of my bed, realising that's almost twenty years ago.. think I talked about this only yesterday, but I'd already suppressed it..), was the first Suede album. It was different, reinventing, British - and I loved it!
It was a love story that kept going, and, I've discovered, keeps on keeping on. Sure, there's the music and the lyrics, but more than anything, there's the sweet, British voice of Brett Anderson..
Suede - Saturday Night [Coming Up (1996)]