Lost in translation..
..is how I felt when I tried to read this: Nokia N97 Internet Features ..
Right now I'm feeling more nauseous than lost, got a brutal reminder why I shouldn't eat dairy-based salad dressings - or order salads from a pizzeria for that matter [there was nothing wrong with the salad itself though - I think.. It does however feel a bit more like food poisoning than your avarage lactose intolerance symptoms, but bad eating and sleeping habits could account for that].
And tired. Promised myself I would go to bed asap when I got home from work, but feeling blech, sleep is one of the last things I want to do. Also, I wanted to post something here, write a tweet or two - and just as I'd started, the phone rang, which destroyed all chances of an "early" night. *bla bla*
Now I don't really know what to write, my head was full of things before but *pooof*