On hiatus..

I haven't forgotten my blog, not at all. I've just been lost in a different world, with nothing much to blog about. Well, that's not entirely true, but I'm not going to start gushing on about the stories I read. At least not right here, not right now.

Also, I've been in more of a twitter mood, though only slightly so. You are more than welcome to visit me @ twitter.com/zellzynt, it's usually updated more frequently than this blog. However, I rarely write anything profound. :P Just so you know.. Which probably means it doesn't, in that sense, differ much from my blogging.

I only have one day left of my vacation, tomorrow, and these past two weeks have flied by. I've mostly been reading, hence the "lost in a different world", and.. Hmm, that's pretty much it I guess. Got some studying done this week, but not nearly as much as I should've, and I also went to the mall to, for the first time in a long time, shop for something other than groceries. My brother and his wife are expecting their second child and she is due any day now, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to meet the baby until sometime in September, so I decided I wanted to give them some baby gifts now, since we were all going to be visiting my parents. I bought some baby clothes, found the cutest little tiny [<-- pleonasm!] knitted cardigan with pockets, and a pyjamas for the big-sister-to-be.

pyjamas from Polarn o. Pyret
[link to global online shop]

Friday was Midsummer's Eve here in Sweden, one of our most celebrated holidays. I met up with my brother's family at my parent's house in my old home town. We had some traditional Swedish food [matie, sour cream, chives, early potatoes, meatballs etc], went to a traditional day-time celebration [with folk dancing and a maypole] and then went back home for a relaxed evening with more food [barbaque this time - and strawberry cake] and crappy TV programs.
My brother tried to explain the difference between binary, decimal and hexidecimal - or more precisly, how come the hexidecimal A equals a decimal ten.. Once we'd gotten through all the "base 2", "base 10" and "base 16" crap [I shouldn't be calling it crap, I find it really interesting - it's just that it's so logical, it becomes illogical, and things like that always have me confused], I think I finally got it.. I'm telling you, my brother is crazy smart when it comes to computer science. Thankfully for me, he's like a walking encyclopedia. :)

Code Talkers xkcd.com/257

I left my parent's house after lunch yesterday, the drive home being a story quite of its own, and was back in the comfort of my livingroom in no time. I watched some TV and had some food, but then I was right back to where I've been spending most of my time lately
- inside other people's imagination


Yes, I might as well admit to it - I'm somewhat of a 
"Fans of the series who are
up for debate,
free thought,
and intelligent discussion
rather than mindless praise
of who’s the hottest character."

It's all about the books, not so much about the movies..
If you haven't read the books, the outtakes, extras and the Midnight Sun draft etc,
you're in no position to pass judgement on me or question my sanity.
You are, however, more than welcome to question
other things, trust me when I say I do.
Or, perhaps I should say, 
I dare you to.

Book cover

And, enough with the sparkle/glitter/whatever already!
Find something else to whine about..


It's really weird.. My brain knows that tomorrow's [well, more like today by now] Monday, and that this week is a working week - but not until Tuesday, so.. I can't explain it, but it's like my mind is telling my body that tomorrow is a "get up early and go to work"-day.. and it's annoying, tensing and.. bleh!
And, of course, that being said - one of the guys working the night shift just called me, asking how to change  something..

Anyhoo, this became a rather long post, it being a "hiatus" one. I think it's time I get back to my main occupation - having new insight in the story, I have Dreamcatcher to partially re-read..




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