New name, new page, same style, different language..

Var visst ett tag sen jag bloggade.. (@ Knegers) Tappade inspirationen helt, vet iofs inte om den ens fanns till att begynna med. Blev ganska menlöst där på slutet. Fick dock en well needed dos inspiration av en ny arbetskamrat.

Nej, det har kommer inte att ga - sitter vid en netbook med engelskt tangentbord = utan de ytterst viktiga svenska bokstaverna a, a och o :P I'm just going to write this in English instead, to save myself the hassle of copying every å, ä and ö or some other tiresome process.. Might as well blog entirely in English, probably suits me better.

In my head I'm singing..

..whilst watching..

Anyhoo, where was I..? Right, I completely lost what little inspiration I had and that's why I haven't written in a while. Don't really know what to write now either, but at least I've gotten some inspiration back - in the form of a new co-worker. Who would've thought?! :) Love it when random (or maybe not) things like that happen, too bad he's just here for the summer.. But he'll probably get tired of my talking way before the end of July, so perhaps I should say Lucky him! *joking*

He's made me remember something I realised a long time ago, but for some reason keep forgetting - I'm hard to please when it comes to real company. I can consort with almost any type of person, and I like diversity in my acquaintances, but the reason I spend so much time on my own ~ ..I need to get out more.. ~ is not that I'm a boring person who doesn't have friends or people to hang out with. Mainly, it's that I rarely come across people I truly feel a connection with, be it on a deeper level or/and a more trivial, who share some of my thoughts (or think somewhat alike), views, moral standards and interests. People who make me use the brain I've actually been given and who make me see the world in different colours. Who broaden my mind, instead of narrowing it. Those are the kind of people I want to spend my time with.  *late night waffle*

Then there is also the fact that I'm quite garrulous, which can be wearisome.. And that most of my peers, having spouses and children, something I have yet to acquire.. OT: I could definitely use a little love in my life.. BOT: ..are busy with their own lives in a whole other way than I am with mine.

Latest tweet:
I'm a pedant and a perfectionist. That's why I've given up on tidying - I can't live up to my own standards, so why bother? @zellzynt

Speaking of..

Ég Læt Mig Líða Áfram
Í Gegnum Hausinn
(Hugsa) Hálfa Leið
Sé Sjálfan Mig Syngja Sem

Fagnaðarerindið Við Sömdum Saman tyooo...
Við Áttum Okkur Draum
Áttum Allt
Við Riðum Heimsendi
Við Riðum Leitandi
Klifruðum Skýjakljúfa
Sem Síðar Sprungu Upp
Friðurinn Úti
Ég Lek Jafnvægi
Ég Dett Niður
Ég Læt Mig Líða Áfram
Í Gegnum Hausinn
Ég Kem Alltaf Niður Aftur Á Sama Stað
Alger Þögn
Ekkert Svar
(En) Það Besta Sem Guð Hefur Skapað
Er Nýr Dagur

Also worth a listen..

Oldie but goodie..

Should've been asleep hours ago..

Posted by: Jonatan

a-HA! Hittade dig!

Vad kul att jag kunde ge dig inspiration, och vad kul att jag blev omnämnd här på ett så gulligt vis. Det tackar jag för!

Bra musik går här och finna också. Antar att den där Killers-låten är den som förekommer på det gudsförgätna soundtracket då jag inte känner igen den. Kul att du la upp den här, annars hade det nog dröjt innan jag hittade den. Helt fantastiskt bra, ju!

Och vilket struntprat att jag kommer ha tröttnat på dig till hösten!

2010-06-10 @ 23:24:09

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