Bad mood..

Welcome to the Bitch-n-Moan Zone

Ugh! I'm so not feeling things today..

1. Didn't/Couldn't sleep last night.. Which also means I
2. Didn't/Couldn't wake up this morning.. Which means I've wasted most of my day, asleep in the bed.
3. Almost killed off the flowers that I bought Sunday for my balcony.. Yes, already.
4. My flat looks like a blitzkrieg happened.. My fault entirely of course, making it even more annoying. 
5. No caffeine for two days now.. Argh!
6. Why can't I just fucking start reading my course literature already?! (pardon my French)

In the words of my dear friend AK
(yes, he's a Borat fan)

Happy Time!


It only annoys me even more that there's nothing really to whine about. It's all just trivial, unimportant, easy-to-fix-grow-up-get-your-head-out-of-your-arse crap.


..think I'll just crawl back under the rock from whence I came and read some more lame ass fan fiction..

demotivational poster - EXPLOSION
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